Getting Rid of Acne through Systemic and Procedural Methods
Getting rid of acne has become so much easier with the wide selection of natural methods, OTC products and even procedures available. Apart from creams, ointments and other solutions that can help clear the breakouts, there are also prescription medications like adapalene and erythromycin that work. No matter what type and how severe your acne is, you will never run out of choices.
One kind of method in getting rid of acne is referred to as systemic treatment. This acne treatment alternative works internally. They are usually taken orally in the form of pills but they may also be injected into the skin. Dermatologists usually prescribe them to people with severe to cystic acne. There are also those with moderate acne who are given this kind of treatment because topical treatments are not working for them.
Systemic treatment medications for acne include hormonal treatments like spironolactone and birth control pills; isotretinoin like Claravis, Sotret as well as Amnesteem; Oral antibiotics like doxycycline, minocycline and tetracycline. There are also times when these prescription medications are used with topical treatments.
If you don’t feel comfortable with prescription drugs and medications for your acne breakout, there are procedural treatment options available too. These procedures are generally performed by dermatologists, estheticians or healthcare practitioners. However, for the best results, they should be supported with either topical or systemic treatments.
Here are some procedural treatments you can consider:
• Light chemical peels – This procedure in getting rid of acne works by deeply exfoliating the skin through glycolic, beta hydroxy or alpha-hydroxy acid. They help improve acne by taking out the dead skin cells and by helping clear out debris from the pores.
• Comedo extractions – This procedure is usually performed during facial sessions with an esthetician. It involves coaxing plugs of cellular debris and sebum from the pores. It reduces the number of breakouts by getting rid of milia, blackheads and soft-closed comedones. When it comes to serious lesions or cysts, only a dermatologist can extract these via surgical methods.
• Phototherapy – This method of getting rid of acne involves the use of light or laser. The procedure can reduce inflammations, shrink the sebaceous glands or kill P. acne. It can treat various stages of acne, ranging from mild to very severe acne breakouts.
• Microdermabrasion – You can avail of this treatment either at a dermatologist’s office or at a skin spa. The procedure uses a machine that rapidly discharges super fine crystals on the surface of the skin. It works by blasting away the dead skin cells. It can deeply exfoliate the skin and it loosens debris in the pores.
• Corticosteroid injections – Since cysts can do serious lesions which can damage the skin tissues, a dermatologist can inject corticosteroid on the cyst to reduce inflammation and scarring tendencies. This procedure can help speed the healing of lesions in a few days time.
With the wide selection of procedures and methods in getting rid of acne, it becomes harder for people to determine the most effective options they can try. The truth is – it may take you a few methods before you can find the most suitable acne remedy for your type or grade of acne. Whether it’s systemic or procedural acne treatment for you, the dermatologist, esthetician or healthcare provider should also be able to ensure your utmost safety.
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