Thursday 26 May 2011

Getting Rid of Acne through Systemic and Procedural Methods

Getting Rid of Acne through Systemic and Procedural Methods

Getting rid of acne has become so much easier with the wide selection of natural methods, OTC products and even procedures available. Apart from creams, ointments and other solutions that can help clear the breakouts, there are also prescription medications like adapalene and erythromycin that work. No matter what type and how severe your acne is, you will never run out of choices.

One kind of method in getting rid of acne is referred to as systemic treatment. This acne treatment alternative works internally. They are usually taken orally in the form of pills but they may also be injected into the skin. Dermatologists usually prescribe them to people with severe to cystic acne. There are also those with moderate acne who are given this kind of treatment because topical treatments are not working for them.

Systemic treatment medications for acne include hormonal treatments like spironolactone and birth control pills; isotretinoin like Claravis, Sotret as well as Amnesteem; Oral antibiotics like doxycycline, minocycline and tetracycline. There are also times when these prescription medications are used with topical treatments.

If you don’t feel comfortable with prescription drugs and medications for your acne breakout, there are procedural treatment options available too. These procedures are generally performed by dermatologists, estheticians or healthcare practitioners. However, for the best results, they should be supported with either topical or systemic treatments.

Here are some procedural treatments you can consider:

•    Light chemical peels – This procedure in getting rid of acne works by deeply exfoliating the skin through glycolic, beta hydroxy or alpha-hydroxy acid. They help improve acne by taking out the dead skin cells and by helping clear out debris from the pores.
•    Comedo extractions – This procedure is usually performed during facial sessions with an esthetician. It involves coaxing plugs of cellular debris and sebum from the pores. It reduces the number of breakouts by getting rid of milia, blackheads and soft-closed comedones. When it comes to serious lesions or cysts, only a dermatologist can extract these via surgical methods.
•    Phototherapy – This method of getting rid of acne involves the use of light or laser. The procedure can reduce inflammations, shrink the sebaceous glands or kill P. acne. It can treat various stages of acne, ranging from mild to very severe acne breakouts.
•    Microdermabrasion – You can avail of this treatment either at a dermatologist’s office or at a skin spa. The procedure uses a machine that rapidly discharges super fine crystals on the surface of the skin. It works by blasting away the dead skin cells. It can deeply exfoliate the skin and it loosens debris in the pores.
•    Corticosteroid injections – Since cysts can do serious lesions which can damage the skin tissues, a dermatologist can inject corticosteroid on the cyst to reduce inflammation and scarring tendencies. This procedure can help speed the healing of lesions in a few days time.

With the wide selection of procedures and methods in getting rid of acne, it becomes harder for people to determine the most effective options they can try. The truth is – it may take you a few methods before you can find the most suitable acne remedy for your type or grade of acne. Whether it’s systemic or procedural acne treatment for you, the dermatologist, esthetician or healthcare provider should also be able to ensure your utmost safety.

Further help and suggestions can be found by clicking on

Thursday 17 March 2011

Why do we get Acne?

Why do we get Acne?

Acne is mainly linked to the changes that take place as we reach puberty.
The hormones that cause our physical maturation also means that our sebaceous glands produce more oil.
As the skin sheds cells more rapidly in puberty, we find that they mix with the oil and block the opening of the hair follicles.
This becomes a likely spot (forgive the pun) for infection.

How does it affect adolescents at this time?

Acne is a great concern as it coincides with the development of their personalities. I still remember the feeling of disgust when I looked at my face in the mirror - would a girl ever be interested in me?
Girls also may suffer in the same way, but they have always been able to use make-up to help disguise those dreaded spots.

Can basic home remedies help?

Yes, most certainly.
One of the best ways to fight and prevent acne, on the face and on the body, is to keep the pores clean and un-clogged.
Acne can be avoided to a large degree by following some basic steps.
During summer or any hot weather when we sweat more, it is important that sweat should not remain on the body for a long period of time because it will mix with the body's oil and grime clogging the pores.

Please do not assume that a person with acne is "dirty".

Yes, hygiene is important but acne can, and will in many cases, persist in troubling a person even while care is being taken to keep clean. The fact is that it could be even worse if left alone.
This article is my attempt to give a broad spectrum answer to the question how to deal with acne and how can I get shot of it!

My name is Alan H. Barns and this article will, I hope help to move you along the path to finding a "home treatment" way to cure acne.

I strongly advise you to click on the link and read through the very helpful information that you will find there.


Wednesday 9 March 2011

Acne Bacteria and The Acne Environment

Contrary to popular belief, acne bacteria do not cause acne. Life long acne researcher exposes the true connection between acne bacteria and acne formation. Discover why acne is not a problem with your skin.

Propionibacterium acnes, or p acne bacteria, the bacteria we all have on our skin is an essential life form. Like all life forms it fights to survive and sustain their lives. Surprisingly, these microscopic creatures that conventional medicine taught us to believe are the cause of acne, are actually a small part of the acne puzzle and a vital player in sustaining our inner balance and the health of our skin.

Acne bacteria are not contagious and everyone has acne bacteria on their skin, regardless if the individual suffers from acne or not. Streptococcus bacteria, for example, exist in everyone's throat, but it doesn’t always cause a strep throat or tonsillitis. The reason is that similar to the acne bacteria these bacteria will not trigger the formation of a strep throat (or acne in the case of the acne bacteria) unless the specific condition or the right “environment” is created.

It is important to know that as long as the acne bacteria stays in balance with your internal system, acne bacteria will “mind their own business” and will defend the body from colonization of harmful bacteria. Acne bacteria feed themselves from the secretions of our sweat and sebaceous glands, and in a balanced biological state, sustains the flexibility of our skin.

Acne is an environment that forms only when the production of sebum on the skin is excessive. This excessive production of oil is triggered mainly by hormonal imbalance.

When blood toxins (usually blood toxins that are expelled through your skin) are mixed with this over production of oil, the p.acne invades the hair follicles and starts to multiply. The P. acne multiplies by feeding themselves of the oil using enzymes. As part of this feeding process, acne bacteria produces free fatty acids that irritate the skin. The body calls the white and red blood cells to defend itself. The red and white blood cells often cause an inflammatory response, that results in the familiar symptoms of acne: swelling, pus, whiteheads, nodules and pustules.

Killing the acne bacteria using antibiotics is a fruitless and destructive approach. Taking antibiotic is destructive because it upsets the natural balance of the P.acne in our body, eradicates the good probiotic bacteria and enables the intrusion of harmful bacteria to skin. Taking antibiotics is fruitless because constant intake of antibiotics will eventually cause the p.acne to become resistant to antibiotics. It is a fruitless approach also because it doesn’t stop the environment that caused the P.acne to multiply.

The only way to stop acne permanently is to neutralize the acne environment (when the bacteria multiplies and feeds on blood toxins and excessive production of oil). To stop acne, you must balance oil secretion and discharge your body from accumulated toxins and control the nutritional, hormonal, psychological and environmental triggers.

The secret for permanent clear skin is therefore, neutralizing all the factors that form the acne environment while keeping the p. acne bacteria at an optimal balance.

Mike Walden is a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More- Open The Door To An Acne Free Life." Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide. For information on Mike's Holistic Clear Skin program, visit:

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Hints on concealing your acne with makeup.

Using your Makeup Creatively to Conceal Acne

Did you say that you had an important meeting to attend tomorrow and you needed your skin cleared up by then?  Well, your acne may not clear itself that quickly, but there are some tips you can use in order to look your best.

Using makeup creatively will enable you to conceal your acne temporarily but you must adhere to a few basic rules.  Do keep in mind that this is only a cover-up, not a cure.
Your most important acne cover-up tools will be concealer, foundation, and powder.  Buy only brand name, trusted products from reputable stores.  Choose oil-free, hypoallergenic products matching your skin color. 

Read the product labels thoroughly to ensure that you aren’t buying products loaded with oil that will halt your acne treatment in its tracks.  If you decide to try a new brand, test it out before using it by dabbing a little bit under your jaw line.  If your skin is going to react negatively, it will do so within the hour.

Before you start the acne cover-up process, gently wash your face and neck with your usual cleansing product and then pat dry.

Now you can start the cover-up process.  Dab small amounts of concealer directly on the red or darkened splotches of your face and neck that were caused by acne blemishes.  Use a throwaway makeup sponge to blend the concealer into your skin. 

Don’t overdo this step because too much concealer will look awful once it dries.  Apply it very lightly.

Now, dab small amounts of foundation on your skin, blending with the sponge.  Reapply to areas that seem to need a little more coverage but, again, don’t overdo, because too much makeup will draw attention to your acne-scarred skin.

Your final step is to apply a very light layer of powder, using a soft makeup brush.  Always use oil-free powder with the softest brush you can find to avoid irritating your acne-troubled skin.  The powder will absorb any shine left behind by your makeup and will also give your face that “finished” appearance.

Be certain to dispose of the makeup sponges you used during your cover-up.  They will retain oil from your face and should be thrown out to avoid transferring that same oil to your face tomorrow. 

Always wash your face before going to bed each night.  Your skin needs that time to breathe and your acne must not have makeup coating it, because additional blemishes may result.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Natural Remedies for Acne that may help.

Have a drink of water.

This is simple in the extreme. The idea is, that if you drink, say, 7-8 glasses of water a day, then your body will be cleansed of  the elements of toxicity that contribute to the development of acne.

Hot and cold compresses.

This is a natural remedy often recommended. Hot and cold wet towel compresses will help to reduce the swelling and eliminate clogged pores - a major culprit in the production of acne.

Oils and Juices.                                                                            

The benefits of using natural substances like almond oil, (which can help with the removal of acne scars), cannot be ignored. Apricot juice can also help to alleviate the presence of cysts by cutting through them.

Citric fruit juices, such as lemon juice, can serve as a natural exfoliate, removing the dead skin cells that may clog the pores.  Allow the juice to dry on the skin for approximately 10 minutes before rinsing it away with cool water.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Accutane Side Effects Exposed: Side Effects of the Miracle Drug and the Alternative to Accutane

If you suffer from severe case of acne that has failed to respond to conventional treatments such as antibiotics, then your dermatologist may recommend the use of the popular Accutane or Isotretinoin. Accutane is a potent oral drug from Hoffman-LaRoche that has been proven highly effective for reducing acne symptoms dramatically after only one course of 15-20 weeks.

With its undoubting success at battling even the toughest cases of acne and ever-growing popularity among teens as a miracle drug, why is Accutane still considered the most controversial pharmaceutical on the market? The answer: a documented list of severe and sometimes permanent side effects.

Although some of the side effects associated with the use of Isotretinoin are mild and tolerable (dry lips, dry eyes, nosebleeds, extremely dry skin, increased sensitivity to the sun and thinning hair) there is in fact a long list of serious side effects that have been reported due to the use of Accuttane which persisted even after the drug therapy was stopped. Among those are: Severe aches and pains in the lower back and large joints, severe allergy reactions that include moderate rashes and difficulty to breath, vision problems, hearing loss, permanent liver damage, persistent migraines and headaches and skeletal hyperostosis which is an excessive bone growth that occurs along the sides of the spine.

But perhaps, the two most bothersome of all Accutane side effects are its potential to cause severe birth defects if taken by pregnant women or women that became pregnant while taking the drug and the suggested link between the intake of Accutane and the changes in mood, severe depression and suicidal thoughts.

Since, Isotretinoin can be harmful to the fetus, it should not be used during pregnancy and women should avoid pregnancy for at least a month after the use of Accutane. Additionally, because of its severe side effects, nursing mothers must avoid the drug completely.

Although researchers still argue whether Isotretinoin causes depression or not, Roche the manufacturer of Accutane, openly shares information claiming that Accutane and its generic, isotretinoin, can alter mood: "Synthetic derivatives of vitamin A, can negatively impact brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin."

The FDA website warns: "All patients treated with isotretinoin should be observed closely for symptoms of depression or suicidal thoughts, such as sad mood, irritability, acting on dangerous impulses, anger, loss of pleasure ... mood disturbance, psychosis, or aggression."

Moreover, statistics show that between 1989 and 2003, there were 216 reported drug-linked suicides among U.S. teens younger than 18. Of these, 72 suicides were linked to Accutane (isotretinoin). The next highest number of suicides in that time period -- 55 -- involved Prozac (fluoxetine).

Accutane works by reducing the size and output of the sebaceous glands and thus stops excess oil production. The problem is that Accutane damages your skins sebum glands and liver function in the process. By the time you stop taking the drug, your skin oil glands will return to function but your liver will not be able to properly balance your hormones and prevent the over production of sebum.

Isotrteinoin also normalizes your keratinization (the shedding of dead skin cells), improves fat metabolism and reduces inflammation. But all of these benefits can be easily achieved using all natural dietary, supplementation and skin care alternatives and without the side effects. For example: Foods that are rich in Vitamin A and Beta Carotene can help reduce the secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands. Simple home made peels made of Papaya can easily replace the peeling action of Isotrerinoin and sleep optimization, and regular exercising including vitamin, C, E, Zinc and Colostrum can boost the immune abilities of the body and thus reduce inflammation.

Accutane is not the solution to acne. Not only does it treat the symptoms of the disease and not the internal cause, stopping your skin's natural oil production, can in most cases, result in extra dryness combined with the acceleration of the skin's aging process (yes! your skin will look older). Moreover, Accutane severely damages your liver function among other side effects, which in turn destroys your delicate inner balance and your natural healing abilities. Hence, it is doing the opposite of curing.

A long-term acne solution should address the internal cause of acne by tackling all acne contributing factors and neutralizing the acne environment - the only, safe, natural and effective way you could ever achieve lasting acne freedom.

Mike Walden is a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More- Open The Door To An Acne Free Life." Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide. For information on Mike's Holistic Clear Skin program, visit:

Thursday 27 January 2011

Some of the myths surrounding acne.

Some common "Acne Myths"

People continue to believe old wives’ tales about the causes of acne, even though experts have now disproved many of the myths.  We will attempt to reveal the truth about some of those die-hard myths and set your mind at ease so that you can move forward in your quest for clear, acne-free, beautiful skin.

Myth: Only dirty people have acne.

Fact:  Acne is not caused by poor hygiene but by hormonal changes taking place within the body.  Sometimes the sebaceous glands (responsible for moistening our skin) become overrun with oil and block nearby follicles.  This causes clogged pores, which turns into acne characterized by pimples, zits, pustules, and even cysts. 
The truth is that consistent scrubbing and washing the skin can make your acne problem much worse.  The proper skin care routine involves washing your skin gently and patting it dry (not rubbing it).

Myth:  People with acne are not eating the correct foods.
Fact:  Experts now know that there is no connection between the foods you eat and the development of acne. 
The myths claiming that chocolate and other fattening foods cause acne are completely erroneous.  On the other hand, you do need to practice proper nutrition so that your overall health will be great.

Myth:  Stress causes acne
Fact:  Stress itself does not cause acne, although it can develop as a side effect when taking medications prescribed to help you cope with stress.  If you take this type of medication and are noticing acne symptoms, such as pimples, zits, or pustules, consult with your physician to determine if the medication might be contributing to your skin condition.  One word of caution: although stress will not cause acne, it can make the condition worse if you already have it.

Myth:  Acne is purely cosmetic 

Fact:  Acne does change your looks but it can also pose a threat to your mental health.  Serious acne problems, often characterized by cystic nodules and persistent eruptions, can lead to severe acne, causing permanent scars to form.
This sometimes affects people psychologically by altering the image they have of themselves.  Many people develop problems with their self-esteem and become frustrated and depressed. 

Myth:  Acne is incurable

Fact:  Acne can be completely cleared up by using the many products available and finding the correct treatment specific to your needs.
Your dermatologist can help you find the best method to treat your acne and will be able to determine which type of acne you have, whether it is acne vulgaris, cystic acne, nodular acne, or even rosacea.  There are good, effective treatments and medications available (including Accutane, Retin-A, & many others) to help clear up even the most persistent problems.  Before you know it, you will reveal the beautiful skin you were always meant to have.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Hints to help with Acne Prevention

Don't over-wash.

Yes, you need to keep yourself clean, but cut down the times you wash. It is suggested that twice a day should be the limit for someone with a normal lifestyle. Anymore, and you risk increasing the breakouts you have.
Obviously, if you have a "dirty" job then this  may not apply.

Wash after exercising.

But you just said . . . Yes, but there is a reason for the seeming contradiction. You need to hit the shower after exercising  for the following  reason. The friction and moisture caused by clothing rubbing against the skin can create the perfect conditions for acne.

Choose any skin products carefully.

Don't get harsh or abrasive scrubs that can tear the skin and further aggravate the acne. Also, avoid products, if they contain heavy concentrations of isopropyl alcohol like toners. The can do more damage than good.

Pick your medication and treatment method and stick with it. Do not deviate from it until you achieve measurable results, or find that the condition is worsening.

Stop picking it!

Try to avoid touching or picking at your face and, or, body. This is obvious as it can cause bacteria to enter the pores and create even more acne infestation.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Quick Acne Treatments Exposed: The Truth Behind Miracle Acne Cures

Quick Acne Treatments Exposed: The Truth Behind Miracle Acne Cures

Can acne be cured quickly and without effort? Is there really a revolutionary acne treatment overlooked by the medical establishment that wipes off acne in days?

The recent proliferation of quick fix acne treatments, miracle cures, and instant acne formulas, has caused consumers to wonder if these alternatives are actually worth their hopes and hard earned cash. Can there be an overwhelmingly easy to follow and quick acne treatments that produce results in days?

The difference between simple and easy

If someone has mild to moderate acne that is uncommonly triggered by allergy to certain foods, then they can often begin to clear their acne very quickly and easily, relative to their previous disappointing results. All they have to do is improve their nutrition by eliminating these acne-aggravating foods and a quantum leap can often be made.

With that distinction made, let me state unequivocally that achieving permanent clear skin is never really “easy”. There is always effort and discipline involved, as there is with any worthwhile achievement. Endlessly searching for an easier way, a fairy tale quick fix, a miracle cure, a holy grail, is a misguided quest and it will lead you nowhere.

Curing acne is very simple, but for most people it is not easy. There's a big difference between simple and easy: "Simple" means the process is not complicated - if you do x and y you'll get the desired result. "Easy" implies that something can be done with little or no effort. Anyone who tells you they've discovered an “easy” or "very quick" way to clear acne is simply and boldly lying.

You can only reap what you sow

Achieving lasting clear skin requires two things:

1) You must be willing to put some effort

2) You must be patient

The problem with many people is that they are terrified from anything that appears to involve some work. They’re always looking for short cuts. As soon as they see something that promises to cure their acne "quickly," "easily," "effortlessly," "while they sleep," and so on, they whip out their wallets and take the bait.

Make no mistake; people who are prone to acne and have beautiful clear skin, especially celebrities and famous models, have worked very hard to get where they are. Many famous people with acne prone skin who now have flawless complexions have made a sacrifice to get there.

It's an absolute law of the universe that you can't get something for nothing. Your acne will fade away and your skin will become clear and glowing in direct proportion to the amount of effort you put in. You can only reap what you sow.

The 5 crucial components to an effective clear skin plan

An effective clear skin program must have five crucial components:

1. Internal and external cleansing

2. Internal strengthening and rejuvenating

3. Hormonal balancing

4. Lifestyle optimization

5. Goal setting and motivation

Except for those with acne triggered by allergies to food, it‘s extremely difficult (if not impossible) for most people to achieve permanent clear skin in days and without effort.

So there you have it. You have a solution. It's simple (just follow the steps) but it's not always easy. From here you decide what to do with your acne and your health. Like everything, in the end, it all comes down to your choices.

Mike Walden is a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More- Open The Door To An Acne Free Life." Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide. For information on Mike's Holistic Clear Skin program, visit:

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Book Review of "Acne No More"

Why Is Acne No More The Best Selling Holistic Acne Book In Internet History, With Thousands Of Satisfied (And Now Acne Free) Users In 131 Countries Worldwide?

Acne No More is the #1 best selling acne ebook in the history of the Internet for a reason...

Thousands of women and men of every age have completely cured their acne condition and achieved lasting clear skin naturally, without drugs, over the counters, creams or "magic potions," simply by using the clinically proven, scientifically-accurate step by step method found inside this amazing acne freedom guidebook.

Mike Walden, a certified nutritionist, health consultant and author has not just pumped out yet another "acne cure program" into an already over-saturated market. Mike's Acne No More can be more accurately described as an "Acne Bible." It is quite simply one of the most comprehensive, complete, and precise guides to acne freedom you will ever read. What makes it so much different than other clear skin publications on the market?

Well first of all, it's not just a "acne relief" or "skin care" program, it's a holistic acne cure program. This may seem like semantics or wordplay at first, but once you've read just the first chapters, there will be no doubt in your mind that pursuing "acne relief" is not only the wrong goal, it may be the reason that you've failed to stop and maintain your 'acne free internal environment'. Acne No More shows you exactly why you should fix the internal problem that's causing your acne, not just masking the symptoms or getting relief and then goes on to show you exactly how to do it.

Secondly, what makes Acne No More different is the amount of attention that is paid to each and every element required to achieve permanent freedom from acne symptoms and from hormonal and toxic overload disorders. Acne No More not only thoroughly discusses the lies, myths and fallacies surrounding a very confusing subject, it is simply the most detailed book about acne, blackheads, and hormonal health and inner balance ever written.

The Acne No More book is quite extensive (223 pages of rock solid content) which focuses on 100% natural acne treatment. That means there aren't recommendations for harsh prescription drugs with nasty side effects. In Acne No More core formula section (The 5 pillars) - Nothing is held back. In this section, Mike gives a detailed overview of each step, and then dives into the specifics in a perfect chronological order. There are also outstanding charts and checklists which make it very easy to know where you are at in the program and follow it.

Because the Acne No More program is not a quick fix ‘fairy tale’ cure but a complete holistic solution aimed at eliminating the root cause of acne and digestive disorders (regardless of their severity) and ensure your will permanently be acne-free, it does take work and persistence to complete. "The dictionary is the only place success comes before work" says Mike, as he emphasizes the "no quick fix" philosophy behind the entire book.

If there is any drawback to the Acne No More ebook, it's that it contains so much information, that some readers may find it a bit overwhelming. Those who are looking for a quick start type of acne program, might be a bit intimated at first. The good part however, is that even these types of readers can feel confident and assured that it will be worth the effort because this will literally be the last book they ever have to buy on the subject.

Who will benefit most from Acne No More?

In the broadest sense, anyone and everyone who needs to cure their acne and regain their natural inner balance will benefit from Acne No More. This ebook is honestly for everyone. Even people without acne. This is a total health rejuvenation program better than 98% of the nutrition and alternative health books on the market.

In terms of graphic design, Acne No More is a clean and professionally formatted PDF e-book. It is well organized and ideal for printing and reading in the comfort of your own home.

This impressive and unique publication has changed many lives and the hundreds of inspiring testimonials and success stories are found on the Acne No More website archives as proof.

The Bottom line?

Anyone looking for a quick fix solution to acne, anyone looking to be told fairy-tales, and anyone looking for a "magic bullet", acne pills, over the counters, 'acne freedom in 3 days' hyped up programs should not waste his or her time with Acne No More.

On the other hand, anyone searching for the truth about acne and his natural inner balance and who is ready and willing to put in some work and make the lifestyle changes necessary to achieve acne freedom, will find Acne No More to be one of the best investments they ever made in their lives. Click here to learn more about Mike Walden's Acne No More

Sunday 9 January 2011

Acne Bacteria and The Acne Environment

Acne Bacteria and The Acne Environment

Contrary to popular belief, acne bacteria does not cause acne. Life long acne researcher exposes the true connection between acne bacteria and acne formation. Discover why acne is not a problem with your skin.

Propionibacterium acnes, or p acne bacteria, the bacteria we all have on our skin is an essential life form. Like all life forms it fights to survive and sustain their lives. Surprisingly, these microscopic creatures that conventional medicine taught us to believe are the cause of acne, are actually a small part of the acne puzzle and a vital player in sustaining our inner balance and the health of our skin.

Acne bacteria are not contagious and everyone has acne bacteria on their skin, regardless if the individual suffers from acne or not. Streptococcus bacteria, for example, exist in everyone's throat, but it doesn’t always cause a strep throat or tonsillitis. The reason is that similar to the acne bacteria these bacteria will not trigger the formation of a strep throat (or acne in the case of the acne bacteria) unless the specific condition or the right “environment” is created.

It is important to know that as long as the acne bacteria stays in balance with your internal system, acne bacteria will “mind their own business” and will defend the body from colonization of harmful bacteria. Acne bacteria feed themselves from the secretions of our sweat and sebaceous glands, and in a balanced biological state, sustains the flexibility of our skin.

Acne is an environment that forms only when the production of sebum on the skin is excessive. This excessive production of oil is triggered mainly by hormonal imbalance.

When blood toxins (usually blood toxins that are expelled through your skin) are mixed with this over production of oil, the p.acne invades the hair follicles and starts to multiply. The P. acne multiplies by feeding themselves of the oil using enzymes. As part of this feeding process, acne bacteria produces free fatty acids that irritate the skin. The body calls the white and red blood cells to defend itself. The red and white blood cells often cause an inflammatory response, that results in the familiar symptoms of acne: swelling, pus, whiteheads, nodules and pustules.

Killing the acne bacteria using antibiotics is a fruitless and destructive approach. Taking antibiotic is destructive because it upsets the natural balance of the P.acne in our body, eradicates the good probiotic bacteria and enables the intrusion of harmful bacteria to skin. Taking antibiotics is fruitless because constant intake of antibiotics will eventually cause the p.acne to become resistant to antibiotics. It is a fruitless approach also because it doesn’t stop the environment that caused the P.acne to multiply.

The only way to stop acne permanently is to neutralize the acne environment (when the bacteria multiplies and feeds on blood toxins and excessive production of oil). To stop acne, you must balance oil secretion and discharge your body from accumulated toxins and control the nutritional, hormonal, psychological and environmental triggers.

The secret for permanent clear skin is therefore, neutralizing all the factors that form the acne environment while keeping the p. acne bacteria at an optimal balance.

Mike Walden is a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More- Open The Door To An Acne Free Life." Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide. For information on Mike's Holistic Clear Skin program, visit:

Saturday 8 January 2011

Acne Cures: Is there a Natural Acne Cure that Works?

Acne Cures: Is there a Natural Acne Cure that Works?

Are there natural acne cures that work or is it a new age myth? Is there a permanent cure for acne or are all acne sufferers sentenced to the Sisyphean battle of tackling the ‘on the surface’ symptoms? Is there an honest, natural and safer alternative to the endless use of over the counters and to the nasty side effects inflicted by conventional drugs, creams and topical acne treatments?

Most dermatologists and other western medicine followers have already answered that controversial question by claiming that acne, among other diseases simply cannot be cured.

There are 2 reasons for that:

1. Most dermatologists don't even know what the real cause of acne is. It's amazing but true. They are highly familiar with the symptoms of acne and they specialize in tackling the 'on the surface' symptoms, but unfortunately they cannot tell you what the internal conditions are that cause your acne to form in the first place. If you don't believe me just ask your dermatologist.

2. Most doctors work in conjunction with the pharmaceutical and drug companies and the latter is not motivated, so to speak, at discovering a cure for Acne or Aids or Cancer - simply because hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on finding treatments for the symptoms of diseases. Why? simply because their global aim is to make more profit by creating consumer dependency. By applying medications and creams that deal merely with the symptoms while ignoring the source or the internal cause of the disease, acne will never be cured. The average acne sufferer will become more and more reliant on drugs that temporarily calm the symptoms and that means steady income for the drug and pharmaceutical companies.

There's a lovely metaphor describing acne among other chronic diseases and the way modern medicine deals with these afflictions: If you manage to kill all the mosquitoes around a stale pond using chemicals, for a little while there will be no mosquitoes.

But since the source of the problem (what causes the mosquitoes to appear) is still there – the stale, disgusting pond where mosquitoes can find food and fertile ground for laying their eggs – mosquitoes will always come back!

The same thing happens with your acne!

Without eliminating the source of your acne condition, you will never get rid of your acne. Without fixing the internal problem that is causing your acne, you may find temporary relief, but your acne will always come back until you do something fundamental to eradicate the cause from within...until you make the pond (your body or internal system) a place where ‘mosquitoes’ cannot exist.

Ultimately, every disease results from a breakdown within your body. All major diseases and chronic conditions are warning signs of something very fundamentally wrong inside. Deepak Chopra refers to this as "The violation of simple laws of nature that make our body function."

The very surprising truth is that you are lucky for having acne. Let me explain...Acne, like constant headaches, irritable bowel syndrome or dandruffs is only a small message from your body that something is wrong internally and should be addressed and corrected.

Now, there are two choices you can make - you can:

1.Ignore that message - big mistake! The internal imbalance that caused your acne will, in most cases, turn into a chronic condition. Now instead of just having acne you'll start having other hormonal imbalance or toxic overload related symptoms in addition to acne. Because the internal problem is not fixed, the disease symptoms get more and more intense.

2.Listen to your body and start fixing the internal problem that causes your acne to appear in the first place; you will not only get rid of your acne you will also achieve beautiful, healthy, even toned clear skin complexion, re-balance your body and prevent future hormonal or toxic overload related conditions.

The simple truth are out of balance. We now live a 'far-from-natural' lifestyle. There are over 300 synthetic industrial chemicals present in our bodies that did not exist 50 years ago. We are filled with toxins from the food, and medication we ingest and use.

By fixing the internal condition that causes your acne in addition to adopting a healthy lifestyle (healthy diet & mindset, cleanse & detoxify, hormonal balancing etc.) you will put your body back into balance – holistically - your acne will cease to exist and you feel as healthy and attractive as ever!

It doesn't matter what type of acne you have. Whether you suffer from: acne vulgaris, acne Conglobata, acne Rosacea, Acne Fulminans, Blackheads, Whiteheads, Papules, Pustules, Nodules or Cysts: The principles required to cure your acne are basically the same. The "holistic" ways of treating people have been around for thousands of years, and they absolutely work whether you have teen or adult acne; whether you suffer from acne on your back, shoulders or chest or if you suffer from female related acne such as menopause acne or acne due to monthly cycles.

Whatever your acne condition is, when you finally decide to stop making the same acne treatment mistakes that have been holding you back and begin applying the holistic approach to curing acne, you can literally choose to become clear and stay clear. You will have the power to make it happen.

Mike Walden is a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More- Open The Door To An Acne Free Life." Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide. For information on Mike's Holistic Clear Skin program, visit: