Saturday 12 February 2011

Natural Remedies for Acne that may help.

Have a drink of water.

This is simple in the extreme. The idea is, that if you drink, say, 7-8 glasses of water a day, then your body will be cleansed of  the elements of toxicity that contribute to the development of acne.

Hot and cold compresses.

This is a natural remedy often recommended. Hot and cold wet towel compresses will help to reduce the swelling and eliminate clogged pores - a major culprit in the production of acne.

Oils and Juices.                                                                            

The benefits of using natural substances like almond oil, (which can help with the removal of acne scars), cannot be ignored. Apricot juice can also help to alleviate the presence of cysts by cutting through them.

Citric fruit juices, such as lemon juice, can serve as a natural exfoliate, removing the dead skin cells that may clog the pores.  Allow the juice to dry on the skin for approximately 10 minutes before rinsing it away with cool water.